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sun 2 dec 2018 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 123: Autumn

November has passed. In the Northern Hemisphere, autumn is coming to an end. Dreamy autumn music for a rainy day.

0. Sensenta Intro #2
1. Vadim Rumyantsev – Samui Evening
2. Vadim Rumuantsev – Ferry in Ab
3. Guenter Schlienz – September
4. Guenter Schlienz – November
5. GAS – Narkopop 5
6. Vadim Rumyantsev – Reflections part 0
7. Vadim Rumyantsev – Basic Sign


Vadum Rumyantsev: Thai 2013, 2016, Pantheon
Guenter Schlienz: Autumn, 2016, Zoharum
GAS: Narkopop, 2017, Kompakt
Vadim Rumyantsev: Odd Times, 2016, Pantheon

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