Sensenta | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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A musical serial. Episode 143: Not spring just yet.

Field recordings, ambient and a bit of dissonance.

0. Sensenta Intro #3

1. Larry Grenadier – A Novel In A Sigh

2. Björn Meyer – Aldebaran
Ruisstudie 201904 2a

3. Nobuto Suda – Anim
Larry Grenadier – A Novel In A Sigh
Ruisstudie 201904 2a
Queen – Untitled

4. Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri – Hay Una Ausencia Perceptible
Nobuto Suda – Anim

Larry Grenadier: The Gleaners, 2019, ECM
Björn Meyer: Provenance, 2017, ECM
Ruisstudie: Eigen archief programmamaker
Queen: Made In Heaven, 1995, Parlophone
Fresco & Irissari: La Espera, 2017, A Strangely Isolated Place

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