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sun 24 may 2020 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 194: L’Ascension

An episode in two parts. The first is built around a mix of brass and electronics, with Lotto, Victor Sjöberg and Brother Saturn. The second part revolves around a 1975 recording of L’Ascension, composed by Olivier Messiaen.

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Lotto – Longing to Speak
2. V Sjöberg New Jazz Ensemble – Open / First and last / Landala / Close
Brother Saturn – Signals from Above
3. Olivier Messiaen – L’Ascension I (Orchestre Philharmonique de l’Office de Radiodiffusion Television Francaise)
4. Eric Hofbauer Quartet – Abime des Oiseaux (1)
5. Iav Rouzo – Apokalypsis
6. Eric Hofbauer Quartet – Abime des Oiseaux (2)
7. Olivier Messiaen – L’Ascension IV (Orchestre Philharmonique de l’Office de Radiodiffusion Television Francaise)


Lotto: Ask The Dust, 2014, Lado ABC
Victor Sjöberg: Lover Man, 2010, Kalligrammofon
Brother Saturn: Songs for Dreaming, 2018, self-released
Messiaen/Orchestre Philharmonique: L’Ascension(…), 1975, Erato
Eric Hofbauer: Quintet for the End of Time, 2014, Creative Nation Music
Iav Rouzo: Messiaen Revisited, ????, self-released

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