Sensenta | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 30 jan 2022 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 282: End alone

0. Sensenta Intro #3

1. V Sjöberg New Jazz Ensemble – End Alone
Lover Man, 2010, Kalligramofon

2. Francis M. Gri – Grey Over My Shoulders / Harrold Roeland – Sydney Ambience
Fall and Flares, 2017, KrysaliSounds / Producer’s personal archive

3. Vadim Rumyantsev – Ferry in Ab
Thai 2013, 2016, ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ

4. Hans Timmermans – Boq
Sonica 01, 2013, eigen beheer

5. Hessel Veldman – Scheepskoorts
Ymuiden, 2022, Winter-Light

6. Perelog – Perelog
Perelog, 2020, ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ

Produced by:
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