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Series Jordi Savall

fri 2 oct 2009 13:00 hrs

Series with gambist and conductor Jordi Savall, part 2. Savall in the film.

Jordi Savall worked on the soundtracks for two French films: ‘Tous les Matins du Monde’ from 1991 and, not as well-known, ‘Marquise’ from 1997. In this programme you will hear a few parts from these two soundtracks. Music by Marin Marais, Sainte-Colombe, Jean-Baptiste Lully, François Couperin and Guillaume Dumanoir, and also by Savall himself.

From ‘Marquise’:
1. Prélude & Entrée (after M. Marais & J.B. Lully).
2. Charivari (after M. Marais).
3. Canarie (J.B. Lully).
4. Rondeau (after J.B. Lully).
5. 2e Air (after J.B. Lully).
6. Marche (after G. Dumanoir 1648).
7. Musette ‘La Mignonne’ (J. Savall).
Le Concert des Nations led by Jordi Savall.
(AliaVox AV 14 097 01, 1997)
From ‘Tous les matins du monde’:
8. Improvisation sur Les Folies d’Espagne (M. Marais).
9. Prelude Pour Mr. Vauquelin (J. Savall).
10. Gavotte du Tendre (St. Colombe).
11. Les Pleurs (St. Colombe).
12. Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres a 2 voix (F. Couperin).
13. Fantasie in e (J. Savall).
14. Les Pleurs (St. Colombe).
Montserrat Figueras and Maria-Cristina Kiehr, soprano. Jordi Savall and Christophe Coin, viola da gamba. Le Concert des Nations led by Jordi Savall.
(Auvidis-Valois V4640, 1992)
From ‘Marquise’:
15. Fanfare (J. Savall).
16. Sarabandes & Tambourin (naar Anonyme 1660).
17. Bransle & Galliarde and faubourdon (after Anonyme 1600).
18. Les Ombres (J. Savall).
19. Marche Funèbre (after J.B. Lully).
20. Sarabande ‘La Marquise’ (after Anonyme 1660).
21. Gavotte (Anonyme 1660).
Le Concert des Nations led by Jordi Savall.
(AliaVox AV 14 097 01, 1997)
Tous les matins du monde, scene.jpg

scene from ‘Tous les matins du monde’ with Guillaume Dépardieu as a young Marin Marais

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