Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 18 aug 2024 11:00 hrs

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CDs. Today, Koudstaal chose CDs by Les Basses Réunies, I Fagiolini, Céline Scheen and Le concert de la loge.

1. Salvatore Lanzetti (1710-1780)
– Cello sonata in a minor
2. Giuseppe Maria Jacchini (1667-1727)
– Cello sonata in C, op. 3
Performed by: Les Basses Réunies led by Bruno Cocset, cello
(CD: ‘La nascita del violoncello’, Alpha 1023, 2024)


3. Tomás Luis de Victoria (ca. 1548-1611)
– From ‘Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae’ readings II & III for the Matins of Holy Saturday
Performed by: I Fagiolini conducted by Robert Hollingworth
(CD: ‘Tenebrae Responsories’, Coro COR16204, 2024)


4. Giulio Caccini (1551-1618)
– Dolcissimo sospiro
5. John Wilbey (1574-1638)
– Weep, weep mine eyes
Performed by: Céline Scheen, soprano. Philipp Pierlot, viola da gamba
(CD: ‘Dolcissimo sospiro’, Flora 5021, 2024)


6. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
– Violin concerto in E major RV 269 ‘La primavera’
Performed by: Le concert de la loge led by Julien Chauvin, violin
(CD: ‘Dall’Abaco and the art of variations’, Alpha 1005, 2024)

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