Music from the fallow grounds of independent and alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
A smooth and relaxed programme with a variety of contemporary music of artists whom you rarely hear on Dutch radio. That is Terra Incognita! A voyage of discovery for the curious music lover with a broad interest. Just lay back, relax and listen.
In this hour we visit a broad variety of musical landscapes. Among others we come across Jon Hood, Idir Claw, Supergrass and Jesca hoop (picture). And as a fitting ending, like we do more often, a bit of poetry: Project Arsis Cardia with a vision on the term ‘passion’.

Jesca Hoop
Track list:
1. Jesca Hoop
Animal Kingdom Chaotic, 03:42
Memories Are Now
Sub Pop Records, 2017
2. You Are Wolf
Breathe in Breathe out, 04:54
Firecrest Records, 2018
3. 3Hattrio
Pilgrim, 03:01
Lord of the Desert
Okehdokee Records, 2018
4. Kevin Dempsey & Joe Broughton
Ressurection Jack, 03:38
Off By Heart
SAE, 2017
5. Jon Hood
Body Semantics, 04:50
Body Semantics
Red Brick Chapel, 2017
6. Idir
A Vava Inouva, 04:23
A Vava Inouva
Blue Silver, 1991
7. Cara Luft
Bring ‘Em All In, 04:08
Blue Case Tunes, 2012
8. Claw
Keep it Dark, 05:03
The Gum Club, 2018
9. Joost Lijbaart (Sanne Rambags, Bram Stadhouders)
Together, 02:16
Under the Surface
Challenge Records, 2017
10. Caribou (Four Tet Remix feat: Luke La Londe, Adem And One, Little Plane and Four Tet)
Melody Day, 05:03
DJ-Kicks: DJ Tennis
City Slang, 2014
11. Supergrass
Tales of Endurance (Parts 4,5 & 6), 05:27
Road to Rouen
The Echo Label Ltd., 2005
12. Josienne Clarke & Ben Walker
Bells Ring, 04:00
Seedlings All
Rough Trade Records, 2017
13. Jens Kuross
I Only Ever Loved Your Ghost, 03:36
Aesop, 2018
14. Project Arsis Cardia
Passie, 01:20
Project Arsis Cardia
self-released, 2018
Terra Incognita is broadcast every third and fourth Wednesday of the month at 22.00. Would you like to respond? Please send an email to: