No: 76. A listening post in the uncharted territory of the independent alternative blues, folk and pop record labels.
Terra Incognita is a pleasing programme with varying contemporary music by musicians you will never or rarely hear on Dutch radio.
A journey of discovery for the curious music lovers with a broad interest.
Relax the Ear and discover the Listen!
Episode 76.
The coming hour you will enjoy a great mix of of mostly unknown music, clustered in four musical paths. Sounds from the small independent recording studios, created with passion and without concessions. Music that excites, but also relaxes. We will play i.a. Beaver & Krause, Harry Manx, Sin Fang and Message to Bears. You will also focus on the CD ‘The Beguilers’ by Fred Thomas. He mixed a number of poems by William Blake, Emily Brontë and James Joyce with his music.

Harry Manx
1. James Elkington
Nowhere Time -Edit, 03:24
Paradise of Batchelors, 2020
pad 1: 04:48
2. Message to Bears
Mountains, 03:54
Folding Leaves,
self released, 2011
3. Brona McVittie
The Green Man, 03:50
Company of Corkbots, 2020
4. Sin Fang
A Fire To Sleep In, 03:08
Morr Music, 2009
pad 2: 15:52
5. Harry Manx
True to Yourself, 04:15
Bread and Buddha
Dog My Cat Records, 2009
6. The Beta Band
Inner Meet Me (Remaster), 06:19
The Three E.P.’s
Because Music, 2018
7. Beaver & Krause
Good Places, 03:38
In A Wild Sanctuary / Gardharva
Rhino Entertainment, 2005
pad 3: 30:26
8. Water and Sand
I Wanna Rock You, 04:23
Catching Light
self released, 2019
9. Shannon Lay
Wild, 03:42
Sub Pop Records, 2019
10. Salt House
Fire Light, 03:20
Hudson Records, 2020
11. Field Music
Precious Plans, 02:50
Memphis Industries, 2009
pad 4: 45:26
12. Fred Thomas
Gentle Lady, 06:09
The Beguilers
self released, 2015
13. Fred Thomas
The Little Boy Lost, 05:02
The Beguilers
self released, 2015
14. Enno Bunger 57:11
Glaube an die Welt, 02:09
Was berührt, das bleibt
Columbia Germany, 2019
Terra Incognita is broadcast every third and fourth Thursday of the month at 10.00 pm. Do you have a comment or question? E-mail us at