A listening post in the virtually unknown musical landscape of the independent alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
Terra Incognita is a programme featuring diverse, contemporary music by musicians you rarely or never hear on Dutch radio.
A voyage of discovery for the curious music lover with a broad musical interest. Relax the ear and discover the sound!
Episode 133.
Pop, blues, jazz, world music and electronic sounds. Concertzender present another hour of diverse music from small recording studios in many different countries. As we go down four musical paths, we hear earworms, stress relievers, trendsetters and storytellers add their colour to the international music palette. Discover how varied and exciting music can be. Listen to Marina Herlop, Birds on a Wire, Mabe Fratti and Sidsel Endresen, among others.

Marina Herlop
1. Laura Veirs
Eucalyptus, 04:27
Bella Union, 2022
path 1: 06:00
2. Imarhan, Gruff Rhys
Adar Newlan, 05:27
City Slang, 2022
3. Antoine Wielemans
Sel, 03:34
62 TV Records, 2021
4. QUINQUIS, Gareth Jones
Mintin, 03:16
Mute Artists, 2022
path 2: 19:20
5. Tony Joe White
Who You Gonna Hoo-Doo Now, 05:04
The Beginning (Remastered)
New West Records, 2022
6. Mabe Fratti
Nadie Sabe, 04:50
Será Que Ahora Podremos Entendernos
Unheard of Hope, 2021
7. Tamar Aphek
Show Me Your Pretty Side, 03:22
All Bets Are Off
Kill Rock Stars, 2020
path 3: 33:23
8. Imarhan
Achinkad, 04:16
City Slang, 2022
9. Ben Lucas Boysen, Paul Emmerich
Lazarus, 03:15
Erased Tapes Music, 2022
10. Marina Herlop
miu, 04:03
Pan, 2022
path 4: 45:45
11. Sidsel Endresen, Bugge Wesseltoft
River, 07:20
Deutsches Jazzfestival 1999
Hessische Rundfunk, 1999
12. Birds on a Wire 54:25
Within You Without You, 04:44
Le Label, 2020
Terra Incognita is broadcast every third and fourth (and possibly fifth) Wednesday of the month at 22:00. Would you like to respond? Please send an e-mail to: terra@concertzender.nl.