A listening post in the unexplored landscape of the independent alternative blues, folk and pop labels. Special edition: Textures 3.
Terra Incognita is a programme featuring diverse, contemporary music by musicians you rarely or never hear on Dutch radio.
A voyage of discovery for the curious music lover with a broad musical interest. Relax the ear and discover the sound!
Episode 134.
A few times a year, Terra Incognita is also broadcast on the fifth Wednesday of the month. Subtitled Textures, the content of the programme changes slightly: the music is interspersed with short poems. Tonight, we present the third episode of this poetic addition to Terra Incognita. We hear music by Gaspar Claus, Emily Portman, Aukai, The Eternal Promise, Lal Waterson and Anne Paceo, among others.
As far as the poems are concerned, we are going across the border in this episode. We hear contributions from China, Austria, Syria, Spain, Costa Rica, Iceland, Bulgaria, Ireland, Argentina, Hungary and India. There are some well-known, but mostly many unknown names.
Sit back and enjoy this journey of discovery through music and the spoken word.

Anne Paceo
1. Gaspar Claus
Aux confins, 03:27
Infiné, 2021
2. Bei Dao (China, 1949)
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
3. Emily Portman
Tongue-tied, 04:20
The Glamour
Furrow Records, 2010
4. Erich Fried (Oostenrijk, 1921)
Wat het is
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
5. Ebba Forsberg
Here It Is, 05:31
Take My Waltz: Ebba Forsberg Sings Leonard Cohen
Gamlestans Grammofonbolag, 2017
6. Muhammad al-Māghūt (Syrië, 1934)
Wat de postbode vreest
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
7. Aukai
Azure, 03:12
Aukai Music, 2022
8. Frederico García Lorca (Spanje 1898)
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
9. Anne Paceo
Piel, 03:18
Jusqu’à la nuit, 2022
10. Jorge Debravo (Costa Rica, 1938)
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
11. Habib Koité, Eric Bibb
We Don’t Care, 04:01
Brothers in Bamako
Contre-Jour, 2012
12. Steinn Steinarr, (IJsland, 1908)
Het kind
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
13. De Eeuwige Belofte
Zou het al begonnen zijn, 04:12
De Eeuwige belofte
De Eeuwige belofte, 19..
14. Nicolaj Kuntsjev (Bulgarije, 1936)
Aardse gemoedelijkheid
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
15. Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight
Flight of the Pelican, 03:47
Once in a Blue Moon
Topic, 2006
16. Seamus Heaney (Ierland, 1919)
De spoorwegkinderen
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
17. Hania Rani, Ólafur Arnalds
Woven song – piano reworks, 03:48
Universal Music Operations Limited, 2022
18. Roberto Juarroz (Argentinië, 1925)
Hij tekende overal ramen
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
19. Wes Swing
At the Window, 02:59
And the Heart
Wes Swing, 2017
20. Rabindranath Tagore (India, 1861)
De gave
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
21. Ola Szmidt
Raguel, 01:35
Accidental, 2022
22. Péter Kántor (Hongarije, 1949)
Wat is er nodig om gelukkig te zijn?
De mooiste van de hele wereld
Lannoo / Atlas, 1997
23. Jono McCleery
From a Place -single edit, 03:51
Ninety Days Records, 2022
24. Martin Green, Adrian Utley, Dominic Aitchison
The Suitcase, 05:01
Reveal Records, 2016
Special thanks to Lannoo / Atlas Publishing. The book: ‘De mooiste van de hele wereld’ contains 300 20th century poems. Editors: Koen Stassijns and Ivo van Strijtem.
Terra Incognita is broadcast every third and fourth (and possibly fifth) Wednesday of the month at 22:00. Would you like to respond? Please send an e-mail to: terra@concertzender.nl.