The Art of the Improvisers | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Art of the Improvisers

sat 30 nov 2013 11:00 hrs
Genre: Free Jazz

American multi-instrumentalist Sam Rivers (1923-2011) part 10.
Covers the years 1991-1996 and includes Roots, Reggie Workman, Sam Rivers solo, and Julian Priester.

Sources                                                           1: Roots – Salutes the Saxophone In + Out Records IOR CD 7016-2 (cd, D)
2: Roots – Stablemates In + Out Records IOR CD 7021-2 (cd, D)
3: Reggie Workman – Cerebral Caverns Postcards POST1010 (cd, US)
4: Sam Rivers – Portrait FMP CD 82
5: Sam Rivers – Configuration Pelican Sound Recordings PSR 9803 (cd, US)
6: Sam Rivers – Concept  Rivbea RB50101 (cd, US)
7: Julian Priester/Sam Rivers – Hints on Light & Shadow Postcards POST1017 (cd, US)

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