A series of programmes about the spiritual dimensions of sound and the emotional intensity of current music.
The theme of part 45 is: Cosmic Encounters.
Lees meer informatie over deze serie op ons weblog Nieuwe Muziek.
Playlist (opening tune: The Blessing Force – Akron/Family)
1. Bianca Holst. Kayn 4.
CD: Componistenontmoeting. Own Recording
2. Hero Wouters. Hearing Visions.
CD: Cosmic Frequency Music. Own Recording.
3. Hero Wouters. Take Off.
CD: Cosmic Frequency Music. Own Recording.
4. Hero Wouters. Zen Airways.
CD: Cosmic Frequency Music. Own Recording.
5. Bianca Holst. Kayn 3.
CD: Componistenontmoeting. Own Recording.
6. Bianca Holst. Kayn 1.
CD: Componistenontmoeting. Own Recording.