Two hours of browsing through early music. Song of Songs: Nigra sum, sed Formosa.
This is a recurrence of March 1, 2015.
The lyrics ‘Nigra sum, sed Formosa’ (black I am, yet charming) from the Song of Songs has been put on music many times. You will hear this lyric as Gregorian melody, motets but also as parody mass by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (on the right).
1. Gregorian
– Nigra sum
2. Jean L’Heritier (ca. 1480- na 1552)
– Nigra sum
Tallis Scholars led by Peter Philips
(CD Gimell CD GIM 003)
3. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
Missa Nigra sum
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Credo
– Sanctus en Benedictus
– Agnus Dei I en II
Tallis Scholars led by Peter Philips
(CD Gimell CD GIM 003)
4. Heinrich Ignaz-Franz Biber (1644-1704)
From the Rosenkranz Sonaten:
– Thirteenth sonata, Pentecost.
Musica Antiqua Köln led by Reinhard Goebel
(CD Archiv 431 656-2)
5. Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
– Nigra sum
6. Andreas da Silva (1475/80–ca. 1530)
– Nigra sum
Tallis Scholars led by Peter Philips
(CD Gimell CD GIM 003)