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The Early World

sat 21 mar 2015 05:00 hrs
Composer: Guido Morini

CDs of the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (Dutch Winds Ensemble), Praise the Twilight Sparrow and the band Tierra.

Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (Dutch Winds Ensemble) and Accordone.  
In 2002 the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble started to take off with Una Odissea, an Italian composition of composer and harpsichord player Guido Morini on the lyrics of singer Marco Beasley. The central theme is man in battle with his environment, capable of self-sacrificing love as well as full destructive hate, which – in this case – can lead to war.
CD: Una Odissea by the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble and Accordone. Label: NBELIVE (2002), code NBECD010.
PTT.jpgPraise the Twilight Sparrow.
Praise the Twilight Sparrow/ PTT defends a minimalistic approach of folk, country and rock music. They have been producing for years now between southern France, the Netherlands and North-America, with a constantly changing live line-up varying from solo to sextet, depending on the repertoire, the seasons and the general state of their friendship.
CD: Color Map of the Southern Sky by Praise the Twilight Sparrow. Label:  My First Sonny Weissmuller Recordings (2010), code: Ahoea 6969.
Tierra is an international quartet from Amsterdam, founded by bass player Felix Hildenbrand. The band plays a modest mix of Latin-American folklore, latin and jazz with poetic lyrics.
CD: Vuelo Negro by the band Tierra. Label: Felix Hildenbrand (2007), code: EBF 9789079065011.

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