The Piano Etude | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Piano Etude

tue 5 feb 2013 19:00 hrs

The Piano etude: Practice Makes Perfect
Part XXI: Giuseppe Martucci (1856-1909).

Since he was eight years old, Giuseppe Martucci (1856-1909) gave piano recitals and when he was 18, he celebrated his triumphs in Rome, cheered by Franz Liszt and the future queen Margherita. He also conducted and founded a top orchestra with groundbreaking repertoire. He led Italian premieres of the 2nd Symphony of Brahms and the Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, of the at that time completely unknown Debussy. 
In short, a brave man in Italy, land of the opera. He wrote remarkably beautiful music.

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