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The Wandering Microphone

fri 3 jan 2014 21:00 hrs

Folk music from Bangladesh.

Bangladesh 2.jpeg
A varied programme with, to begin with, music by refugees, recorded during the Exodus in 1971.
Further, music from the Garo, who live in the hills of Madhupur.

  1. Matir  Manush
  2. Tomar Bangla amar Bangla
  3. Pal Tule de
  4. Hai Sheikb Mujibar
    Cd. Echoes from Bangladesh, The Deben Bhattacharya Collection (1998). Frémeaux Associés. FA 161
  5. Some songs of the Garo
    Cd. Bangladesh, les Garo de la fôret de Madhupur. (1994). Ocora. C580054.
  6. Song and rina plung (= a ritual mouth-organ).
    Cd. Ritual Mouth-organs of the  Murung, Bangladesh. (1997). Inédit W260084.
  7. Solostuk op dottar -luit.
    Cd. Echoes from Bangladesh, The Deben Bhattacharya Collection (1998). Frémeaux Associés. FA 161

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