The Art of the Improvisers | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Art of the Improvisers

sat 5 nov 2022 23:00 hrs
Composer: Willem Breuker

Today you can listen to music by the Fred Leeflang Quartet, The Diamond Five and the Willem Breuker Kollektief.

1. Zwingen, Men 6.43
2. Polder 6.41
3. Trush 5.20

4. Diamondate 7.30
5. Alone Together 4.17
6. You And The Night And The Music 7.16

7. Journey To The Wedding 5.34
8. Requiem For Valentin 5.18
9. PTT 7.36

1/3 : Fred Leeflang Quartet: Zwingen, Mannen (Vara Jazz Collection)

4/6 : The Diamond Five: Finally After Forty Years

7/9 : Willem Breuker Kollektief: Ruta Maya Café, Austin Texas

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