The Night: Classical | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Night: Classical

Works by Cesti, Weiss, Bach, Pergolesi, Clérambault, Rameau & Mozart.

03:00 Antonio Cesti. Aria’s & Cantates.
Raquel Andueza, soprano. La Galania conducted by Fernandez Baena.

03:50 Lute works by Silvius Leopold Weiss & Johann Sebastian Bach.
Toyohiko Satoh, Greiff-lute from 1611.

05:00 Orfeo, cantatas by Pergolesi, Clérambault & Rameau.
Sunhae Im, soprano. Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin.

05:45 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
1. Flute Concerto in G major. 2. Flute Concerto in D major. 3. Concerto for flute, harp and orchestra.
Paul Fried, flute. Maria Casale, harp. Virtuosi de Los Angeles.

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