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wed 22 jul 2020 20:00 hrs

Keyboard spectacle with Kyle Gann.

You will hear the piano in all possible keys and timbres. The piano is a great sounding board for all the musical ideas of the American composer Kyle Gann. Gann is a true eclectic, drawing inspiration from post-minimalism, microtonal experiments and pure and simple melodic beauty. Kyle Gann, who is from Texas, learned the profession from composers such as Ben Johnston and Peter Gena. As an esteemed music critic, Gann covered the lively New York contemporary music scene, a melting pot of influences, which also can be found in his own colourful music. On the piano, the disklavier and behind the electronics console, Gann works magic with the most exotic tunings and complex rhythmic inventions. In this episode of Theme we present an overview of Kyle Gann’s work, including the highlight: his big suite ‘Custer and Sitting Bull’, in which Gann drenches a historical event in microtonal sounds in an amazing way.



Kyle Gann:

1. ‘Space Cat’ from ‘Hyperchromatica’ (2015-2017), for three tuned, computer-driven pianos, on Kyle Gann: Hyperchromatica. Kyle Gann (pianos/programming) Other Mind Records OM 1025-2 CD

2. ‘Ride the Cosmos’ from ‘Hyperchromatica’ (2015-2017), for three tuned, computer-driven pianos, on Kyle Gann: Hyperchromatica. Kyle Gann (pianos/programming) Other Mind Records OM 1025-2 CD

3. ‘Andromeda Memories’ from ‘Hyperchromatica’ (2015-2017), for three tuned, computer-driven pianos, on Kyle Gann: Hyperchromatica. Kyle Gann (pianos/programming) Other Mind Records OM 1025-2 CD

4. ‘Futility Row’ from ‘Hyperchromatica’ (2015-2017), for three tuned, computer-driven pianos, on Kyle Gann: Hyperchromatica. Kyle Gann (pianos/programming) Other Mind Records OM 1025-2 CD

5-6. ‘Desert Sonata’ in two parts (1995), for piano, on Lois Svard: Other Places. Lois Svard (piano). Lovely Music LCD 3052 CD

7. ‘Long Night’ for three pianos (1980-1981), on Jeroen van Veen: Minimal Piano Collection Volume X-XX. Jeroen van Veen (pianos). Brilliant Classics 9171  CD-box

8-11. ‘Custer and Sitting Bull’ in for parts (1995-1999) on Kyle Gann: Custer and Sitting Bull. Kyle Gann (vocals & electronics). New World Records 80801-2 CD


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