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World Minerals

sat 16 may 2015 23:00 hrs

New releases.

Over the next hour we will broadcast a few tracks of new CDs with music from Iran, Tuva and Tibet. You will hear the CDs Traces of an old Vineyard by Mahsa Vahdat.
Next music from Siberia of the Republic of Tuva.
Namgyal Lhamo.jpg
We will close of with the CD Musical Offerings 2 An Anthology of Tibetan Classical Songs by the Tibetan female singer Namgyal Lhamo who lives in the Netherlands. 

  1. Vanishing Lines, (Mahsa Vahdat, Hafez) (2015)
  2. Wind in tresses, (Mahsa Vahdat, Hafez) (2015)
  3. Beauty on the run, (Mahsa Vahdat, Rumi) (2015)
  4. The Flowers Garment (Mahsah Vahdat, Khayyam (2015)
    CD. Mahsa Vahdat, Traces of an Old Vineyard (2015) Kirkelig Cultur FXCD 409, Xango
  5. Ziegte,  (trad.) (2015)
  6. Oske Cherde,  (trad.) (2015)
  7. Chiraa Hoor (trad.) (2015)
  8. Sygyt (trad.) (2015)
    CD. Siberia, Republic of Tuva, Jean-Pierre Tzaud, Sunset-France (2015) SA141267
  9. Namgyal Lhamo, Dadul Nyenyong (subduing enemies and protecting friends) (trad.) (2015)
  10. Namgyal Lhamo, Gyentsenri (Praising the Ganden Potang and its Wishfullfilling Gem) (trad.) (2015)
  11. Namgyal Lhamo, Zompa Namsung (Three auspicious omens in nature) (trad.) (2015)
  12. Namgyal Lhamo, Rigya Samten (Songs in praise of his Holiness (trad.) (2015)
    CD.  Musical Offerings 2 an Anthology of Tibetan Classical Songs by Namgyal Lhamo (2015) Music & Words MWCD 5022
  13. Mahsa Vahdat, Once Again Beside Myself  (Mahsa Vahdat, Rumi) (2015)

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