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World Music NL!

fri 3 jan 2014 17:00 hrs

Music by the Radio Netherlands Worldwide, part 2.

In episode 2 of the double CD World Music in the Netherlands, a promotion album meant for foreign radio stations, compiled by the Radio Netherlands Worldwide (in Dutch: ‘Radio Nederland Wereldomroep’) in 1995.
In the spring of 2012, the Dutch broadcasts of Radio Netherlands Worldwide ended. With that, there came an end to a rich history and a considerable archive construction.
The Radio Netherlands Worldwide was established in 1947 and arranged for ‘Holland Promotion’, either out of political grounds, or out of economic reasons like programmes on the Dutch industry, agriculture and flower cultivation, or out of cultural considerations. Cultural heritage contained the promotion of the Dutch language and literature and all forms of music produced in the Netherlands; light, jazz, classical.
It begins with the promotion of the Concertgebouw, quickly followed by the promotion of Dutch composers, the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Kamerkoor (chamber choir).
At the beginning of the sixties, a long tradition in recording and promoting jazz music and folkloristic music begins for the language editors, including recordings from Surinamese and Antillean bands for the Caribbean Department. Also, recordings (nearly almost with other national broadcasting stations) were made of large orchestras and festivals, small orchestras and ensembles, and recordings of various popular orchestras through the transcription services and later through the music department made available to foreign stations.

  1. Sanguita
, Junas Sanguita (J. Fillmore/P. Grant)
    Spanish, Persian, lndian
  2. Oriënt Express, Dynamo Horo 
(trad./Orient Express)
  3. Balkan folk, Eric Vaarzon Morel & Chanela Nosotros (trad./E. Vaarson Morel/R. Westra)
, Bulerías
  4. Semblanza, La Monada (G. Toker), Condomé/Milango
  5. Di Gojim, Glatterbulgar (trad.), Klezmer
  6. Wechm, Hechtenis (Wechm/lbrahim El Ansari), Classlcal Moroccan vocal
  7. Opo Doti, Weti Tong Da (Opo Doti), Surinamese kawlna
  8. Ceylan Utlu, Sehnaz Longa, Turkish folk
  9. El Amal, Tar Tak Baroed, Moroccan folk
  10. Africa Soli, Salia, Rhythms from Guinea

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