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The Night: 250 years of Werther

sun 30 jun 2024

This year marks the 250th anniversary of the publication of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s novel  ‘Die Leiden des jungen Werthers’ (1774). This gives us the opportunity to feature this novel in our programme The Night from 04:00 to 07:00 CET on the night of Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 July. Werther is a bit of a hysterical young man who is constantly chasing his great love Lotte, a stalker as we would call him today. Things don’t end well for him because he eventually commits suicide. The book led to a wave of suicides and, as a result, there was a distribution ban on the book in 1775.

We have searched for and found so many pieces of music that have to do with Werther that we have been able to fill the full three hours of our night program. The music includes pieces by Pugnani, Mendelssohn, Chisholm, Gade, Jadin, Adam & Massenet.

Click here for the playlist.